Thursday 5 December 2013

Would You Wear Your Words on Your Skin?

Hello friend! Come on over....make yourself comfortable. Sit back and close your eyes. Just totally relax. Now picture something for me. Imagine we lived in a world where every single word you ever spoke materialized on your skin for all to see. Really and truly take a few moments to picture it. Do you think you would you live your life differently? Would it make you more mindful of the way you treat others? Would you choose kindness over malice? Empathy over indifference? Acceptance over rejection?

If every word you said was etched on your skin, would you be more aware of your dialogue? Would you live in fear and censor yourself, or would you seek to bravely speak your truth? Would you care when you saw the hurt look on your friend's face as she saw how you gossiped behind her back? How would it feel to have everyone see the harmful things that are said in the heat of the moment? Those damaging words are ingrained in the heart of the person they were hurled at, regardless of whether we mean them or not. Envision that they are glaringly evident to each person you encounter. Would you take back that time when you were 15 years old and you told your mother you hated her, because in your teenage angst everything seemed so much more important than anything she had to teach you? Would you have found the words to tell your grandmother how much she meant to you, because it would become so apparent after she died that sometimes it really is too late?

Imagine we lived in a world where every single word you spoke appeared on your skin for all to see. Would you live your life covered head to toe in clothing to hide the ugliness of your comments and criticisms, or could you freely parade the beauty of your vernacular?

Now picture something else for me. Imagine that the words you spoke did not appear on your skin. Imagine your words appeared on the skin of those you spoke them about. And alternatively, you were also covered in the words others spoke of you. Imagine how it would feel to be perpetually reading put downs, insults and verbal abuse. What would your attitude toward life be? Now imagine how it would feel to be able to carry visible compliments and praise permanently with you. Your outlook would be incredibly different, wouldn't it?

Hold this with you in your heart, and remember that words can be delightful or malicious, peaceful or cruel. Words must be chosen carefully for our own peace of mind as well as for the feelings of others. Choose well, my friends <3

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